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Academics » Primary (1-3 Grades)

Primary (1-3 Grades)

Primary grades

Primary Grades


  • Focus is on the development of reading and math skills
  • Small Group instruction 
  • Reading Resource Teacher/Program
  • 1:1 Chromebooks used to enhance learning. Programs include: iReady, Seesaw, Envision Math, and Superkids, and Wonders online portals
  • Organizational skills are taught
  • 20 minute lunch followed by a 20 minute recess
  • Community service projectsimage
  • Daily religion classes 
  • Grade 2 prepares for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and Communion
  • Weekly Mass
  • Foreign Language (Spanish)
  • Daily Spelling and Math homework review (Monday - Thursday)

English Language Art - Zaner-Bloser Super Kids (1st & 2nd Grades)


  • Phonics  - Focus on locating, isolating, and articulating phonemes. As students move to 2nd grade, the focus is on growth of vowel teams and multisyllabic words.
  • Word Work -  Students receive fluency instruction daily from the Superkids Fluency resource. Weekly assessments of how spelling words correlate with the phonics skills are given. 
  • Comprehension - From stories students discuss grade level literacy text while being able to describe characters, events, settings, and plot. 
  • Writing - Students put their own thoughts and ideas in stories, informational reports, book reviews, poems and more. Communicating a clear message in narrative, opinion and informative writing.

English Language Art - Wonders 2020 (3rd Grade)


  • The Wonders 2020 is designed to foster the love of reading. Students experience the power of literacy. The focus on teaching the whole child and every child prepares students to be lifelong learners and critical thinkers. Rigorous building comprehensive skills across all subjects including nonfiction and fiction. Small group instruction using Wonders leveled reading helps students learn at different pace and skill levels

Envision Math


  • Envision Math focuses on problem-based learning, where students must think critically about a real-world math problem, evaluate options, collaborate, and present solutions within the domains of operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations, measurement and data, and geometry. Multiplication and division facts are mastered in 3rd grade.

Laboratory Science


  • Students explore a curriculum that is based on the Next Generation Science Standards in the content areas of: Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science. Students visit the science lab 2 times per week and 3 times per week beginning in 3rd grade.

Social Studies


  • Students read and engage in events and topics from the Social Studies Weekly covering "The World Around Me" with focus on government, community and American symbols.

Enrichment Classes

inside photo

  • Art - 1 time per week
  • PE - 2 times per week
  • Music - 1 times per week
  • Library - 1 time per week