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Academics » Middle School (6th-8th Grades)

Middle School (6th-8th Grades)



Middle School


Middle School


  • Grades 6-8 are fully departmentalized. 
  • Teacher awareness of individual academic needs is maximized due to teacher instruction at different grade levels.
  • Organizational skills become very important as students change classes and have several teachers.
  • Long-term assignments such as book reports, term papers, science labs and history projects, complement the dynamic and challenging curriculum.
  • Innovated Curriculum-Based Technology
  • Fully integrated Middle School Science | STEM Laboratory
  • Field trips in Middle School include Timberlee Wisconsin (6th Grade), Springfield, IL/St. Louis, MO (7th Grade) and Washington D.C. (8th Grade)   
  • Daily religious formation in 8th grade helps to prepare the students for reception of Confirmation in late winter/early spring of the 8th grade year at St. Theresa Church. 
  • Homework Philosophy is practice of skills in preparation for more summative assessments
  • Flex Periods: Newscast, Book Club, Karaoke, Art, Study Skills, Current Events
  • Student Council
  • Enrichment Classes: Music/Drama (1x per week), Art (1x per week) 
  • Physical Education - Gym (2x per week)
  • Foreign Language - Spanish (5x per week)
  • Athletics include: Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field, Poms
  • Spring Musical: Auditions begin in January 
  • Lunch 20 minutes/Recess 20 minutes daily with grades 6, 7 and 8.
Middle School

English Language Arts


The Middle School Language Arts classroom is intentionally designed to engage students with an in-depth study of literature, while promoting growth and enhancement of reading and writing skills. The content encompasses both reading comprehension and writing development, as well as technology to enhance the diversity of the learning experience. Grammar and spelling are taught integrated and assessed in all written work. Focus is also given to presentation and speaking skills.

St. Theresa School operates on a novel-based curriculum. This approach enhances the student's reading experience by connecting all aspects of literacy through a multi-faceted approach. Students are becoming more critical thinkers and are taught to delve deeper into the text to substantiate their inferences and conclusions with text-based evidence. Students are also introduced to a more formal writer's workshop experience, where they develop independently through planning, editing, revising and publishing.

Middle School



The goal of this course is to increase the student’s scientific literacy and skills to achieve success in high school and make informed decisions in life as a science student.  All course content is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and the Archdiocese of Chicago Benchmarks. Experimental design and scientific argumentation will be integrated into the course in the form of lab reports, research projects, and inquiry activities.


Life Science is introduced in 7th grade and is designed to provide students with a detailed understanding of the major life processes common to all organisms through laboratory investigations and modeling activities. This course provides opportunities to apply the scientific methods to practical and real-life problems. Laboratory activities include dissection, microscopic observation, and investigation of life from the molecular level to the complexity of the entire organism and its role in the ecosystem.


The two main areas of study in 8th grade include chemistry and physics. In physical science, problem- solving is an important set of skills that students must learn and then develop through practice. Students will gain scientific knowledge from observation of natural phenomena and experimentation by designing and conducting experiments. Students will then evaluate and communicate the results of investigations according to accepted procedures.

Middle School Science



Envision Math focuses on problem-based visual learning. Students will learn more about math by solving rich, reality-based problems. They gain a deeper, clearer understanding of math concepts with visual models and scaffolds throughout the program. Vocabulary is consistent with assessment and mathematics instruction at the high school level and beyond..


Social Studies/History


In 6th grade students begin to learn the concepts and identities of early civilizations. They identify the five themes of geography and how each theme plays a central role in the advancement of each civilization.


United States History from early North American civilization to the Civil War is the main focus through 7th grade. Students use primary sources and document based questions to make connections from past to understanding of present day.


United States History from the Reconstruction to current events is the focus through grade 8.




Students take personal ownership of their faith journey as they examine the meaning of the Mass and the 10 Commandments more deeply and connect them to the practical application in their day to day lives.


The main focus of Religion instruction in 8th grade is preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Students research Saints of the Church and choose a model of the faith whose name they will take. They discuss the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they will use the gifts more fully in their lives as they transition into high school and beyond.

Middle School Church



Middle School Spanish is designed to introduce students to the Spanish language/culture of various Spanish-speaking countries. Students learn how to apply vocabulary previously learned, and apply it in conversation. They will begin to develop their communicative competence, as well as being introduced to grammar concepts.


As they move through the program, students dive deeper into developing their communication/grammar skills and make comparisons and connections with other Spanish-speaking countries. Students express and understand basic concepts such as conversational phrases, weather, numbers, and other basic vocabulary. Many students move into high school leveled Spanish with a great foundation.


Middle School


To learn more about St. Therea's Middle School or to schedule a tour, complete the online INQUIRY FORM 

Admission office:  [email protected]   OR  224-587-8053


Registration is open for the 2025-26 school year