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ST. Theresa SchoolPreschool | Kindergarten | Elementary | Middle School

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Pack the GYM Night!

As is tradition at St. Theresa School, please save the date of Monday, October 16th for our 2023 STS Girls Volleyball PACK THE GYM Night!
With all four grade levels playing this evening, we invite all of our families and friends within the community to come cheer on the Trojans!
5th Grade @ 5:00pm
6th Grade @ 6:00pm
7th Grade @ 7:00pm
8th Grade @ 8:00pm
*There will be a brief ceremony prior to the start of the 8th grade game as we honor our 8th grade girls volleyball players and families for their dedication and commitment to the STS Athletic Program!
We will also have free admission, free popcorn, dress down passes, and t-shirt giveaways for any students who show up to the game wearing STS Spiritwear!
If you are interested in helping make this night extra special for the girls, we are looking for a few parents to help us out with coordinating and decorating the gymnasium (i.e. pack the gym night posters/flyers, balloon arches, player signs, etc.). Please let us know if you are interested!
Go Trojans!